If you watch only one video from this site it should be this one.

Hot Lixx wins the US in 2008

Hot Lixx loses in 2009

Wind Breaker feat. AWSM, Cold Steel Renegade and Hot Lixx Hulahan


Hot Lixx goes indie (around 2:15)



Turn it up, soundguy 

Where the big money is.
Shreddest Air does Albertsons.
This got picked up by the AP wire and eventually wound up on the National evening news under the headline "Local shoppers terrorized in California grocery store." True Story.

Early Hot Lixx (2007)
discussing groupies on ABC News

Even earlier Hot Lixx (Note: don't note the first judge)
Opening number with Bjorn Turoque and Nordic Thunder, 2013

Hot Lixx discussing what it is like in Oulu, Finland
while in Oulu, Finland

Hot Lixx' first time on the news

Upon reflection...


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